Updates @2022-10-24

  • Boss EXP Lowered. Boss Exp was crazy high.
  • Illusionist Spell: Insight now lasts 640 seconds like it is supposed to.
  • Spawn increased on Lasta 1f rooms.
  • Hell Creatures will now spawn in Baranka’s room
  • Attempted to fix Summon Issue
  • Staff of Mana/Steel Staff of Mana drain limit lowered from 200 to 100
  • Circlet of Cerenis increased to 50mp 3mpr from 25mp 2mpr
  • Halloween Event starts tomorrow! Jack-O-Lanterns will spawn and drop some goodies. The event will last at last until November 1st.
  • Elixir Drop rate on DI Increased
  • Crystal of Dark Elf Soul no longer solventable
  • Crystal of Dark Elf Soul droprate increased (Still untradeable and will remain so)