Obsidian Sword of Fidelity
# [Obsidian Sword of Fidelity](/weapons/sword/500059/) x1
## [Lastavards Secret Weapon Production Method](/items/material/40965/) x1
### [History of Lastabad Chapter 1](/items/questitem/41019/) x1
### [History of Lastabad Chapter 2](/items/questitem/41020/) x1
### [History of Lastabad Chapter 3](/items/questitem/41021/) x1
### [History of Lastabad Chapter 4](/items/questitem/41022/) x1
### [History of Lastabad Chapter 5](/items/questitem/41023/) x1
### [History of Lastabad Chapter 6](/items/questitem/41024/) x1
### [History of Lastabad Chapter 7](/items/questitem/41025/) x1
### [History of Lastabad Chapter 8](/items/questitem/41026/) x1
## [Two Handed Sword of Pretender King](/weapons/twohandsword/62/) x1
## [Black Mithril Plate](/items/material/40445/) x10
### [Black Lump of Pure Mithril](/items/material/40443/) x10
#### [Blob Glastic Juice](/items/material/40442/) x1
#### [Volcanic Ash](/items/material/40486/) x1
#### [Black Spirit Stone](/items/material/40490/) x1
#### [Black Lump of Rough Mithril](/items/material/40444/) x1
### [Mithril Plate](/items/material/40497/) x1
#### [Pure Mithril](/items/material/40494/) x50
##### [Rough Mithril](/items/material/40496/) x1
#### [Ecdysis of Arachne](/items/material/40504/) x1
##### [Bark of Ent](/items/material/40505/) x3
### [Oriharukon Plate](/items/material/40509/) x1
#### [Oriharukon](/items/material/40508/) x30
##### [Pure Mithril](/items/material/40494/) x10
###### [Rough Mithril](/items/material/40496/) x1
#### [Ecdysis of Arachne](/items/material/40504/) x1
##### [Bark of Ent](/items/material/40505/) x3
### [Silver Plate](/items/material/40469/) x1
#### [Lump of Silver](/items/material/40467/) x5
##### [Rough Silver Piece](/items/material/40468/) x10
##### [Adena](/items/other/40308/) x500
#### [Lump of Steel](/items/material/40779/) x3
##### [Lump of Rough Iron](/items/material/40899/) x5
##### [Lump of Iron](/items/material/40408/) x5
##### [Adena](/items/other/40308/) x500
#### [Adena](/items/other/40308/) x1000
### [Gold Plate](/items/material/40487/) x1
#### [Lump of Gold](/items/material/40488/) x5
##### [Rough Gold Piece](/items/material/40489/) x10
##### [Adena](/items/other/40308/) x1000
#### [Lump of Steel](/items/material/40779/) x3
##### [Lump of Rough Iron](/items/material/40899/) x5
##### [Lump of Iron](/items/material/40408/) x5
##### [Adena](/items/other/40308/) x500
#### [Adena](/items/other/40308/) x3000
### [Platinum Plate](/items/material/40439/) x1
#### [Lump of Platinum](/items/material/40440/) x5
##### [Rough Platinum Piece](/items/material/40441/) x10
##### [Adena](/items/other/40308/) x5000
#### [Lump of Steel](/items/material/40779/) x3
##### [Lump of Rough Iron](/items/material/40899/) x5
##### [Lump of Iron](/items/material/40408/) x5
##### [Adena](/items/other/40308/) x500
#### [Adena](/items/other/40308/) x10000
### [Adena](/items/other/40308/) x10000
## [Black Magic Powder](/items/material/40964/) x50
## [Holy Relic](/items/material/40967/) x100
## [Tear of Gran Kain](/items/material/40525/) x10
### [Kaiser Stone](/items/material/40324/) x1
### [Black Blood Stone](/items/material/40524/) x3
### [Black Lump of Pure Mithril](/items/material/40443/) x1
#### [Blob Glastic Juice](/items/material/40442/) x1
#### [Volcanic Ash](/items/material/40486/) x1
#### [Black Spirit Stone](/items/material/40490/) x1
#### [Black Lump of Rough Mithril](/items/material/40444/) x1
## [Ingot of Darkness](/items/questitem/40677/) x50
### [Mineral of Darkness](/items/questitem/40675/) x100
## [Crystal of Dark Elf Soul](/items/material/40969/) x500